About Newdrama 2005 Festivals 02-04 Plays Partners
  New Drama is an annual festival of plays by contemporary authors. The original idea of the festival belongs to Eduard Boyakov, Elena Geremina and Mikhail Ugarov; later it was supported by the Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre, the Golden Mask Festival and Teatr.doc.

Nowadays New Drama is the youngest and the most promising modern theatrical event. New Drama is a main supplier of new names, a factory producing dramatic events, an acid-test which brilliantly shows a nerve of a human who keeps up to the pace of modern life. This fifth festival, which will start on September 15th in Moscow and will last till September 24th, will present the best modern shows from Perm, Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Syktyvkar, Yakutia, Moscow, USA, Poland, Romania, Lithuania. From September 25th till September 30th the best performances of New Drama will be shown in St. Petersburg.

Look at the map from three points of view: the Praktika Theatre, the Meyerhold Centre and Teatr.doc - these are the stages where the most of Moscow events will take place.

The Festival is conducted with the support of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography of the Russian Federation.